Welcome to Greenboathouse Press

¶ Greenboathouse Press is a small publishing concern producing short run, limited editions, printed letterpress and bound by hand. As in our previous incarnation (Greenboathouse Books), our mandate is to publish work that is compelling both in its content and its form, and our attention to typography, design and fine-printing is an extension of that interest in form. ¶ Each book begins with an idea, sparked by a manuscript, which takes shape as a challenge of production: How might we do this gathering of words justice? With such words, what sort of book might be built? It is this challenge that makes our efforts exciting, often excruciating, and always rewarding.

Latest Release

Lead, Tin & Antimony brought in our 12th Alcuin Award for Excellence in Book Design in Canada.

Have a look at Mark Askam's kind comments on Lead, Tin & Antimony at his Chestnut Press site.

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Previous Titles

Variations on First Principles of Typography

Jan van Krimpen, translated by John Friedrichs with a Preface by Jason Dewinetz

Kobayashi, the Will

Poems by Jake Kennedy

Excerpts from Friends & Family

Poems by Jason Dewinetz

Tin Roof

A long poem by Michael Ondaatje

Géricault's Severed Limbs Paintings

A long poem by Jason Dewinetz

Modern Business Features

The Modern Business template by Start Bootstrap includes:

  • Bootstrap v4
  • jQuery
  • Font Awesome
  • Working contact form with validation
  • Unstyled page elements for easy customization

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